Bushy. When watering your indoor fiddle leaf fig, be sure the soil is evenly moist all the way to the top of the pot. Fiddle Leaf Fig Overview Run lukewarm water in the pot and really soak the whole top area of the soil. These mixtures contain amendments like perlite. The fiddle leaf fig, Ficus lyrata, is a tall, evergreen house plant with large, glossy, fiddle-shaped leaves growing to 45cm. Fiddle Leaf Fig trees are renowned for their grandiose, lustrous leaves that can reach a staggering 18 inches in length. Get Directions. This difference in humidity is the reason the leaves turning brown at the edges. These mixtures contain amendments like perlite to improve drainage; it allows air to flow more freely around the roots. The fiddle-leaf fig needs the kind of. Project Overview. To discern Fiddle Leaf Fig fruit, search for minuscule. Pruning your fiddle leaf fig is the best way to keep it from getting too tall. Yellowing leaves are also caused by overwatering. Watering the Fiddle Leaf is necessary only when the soil in the pot began to dry out. Fiddle-leaf figs are sometimes said to be tricky to look after, but they’re actually more laid back than you might expect. These are the same plant, but one has been manipulated through. Fertilize: Overfeeding your plants will also cause burnt leave margins. Water the Fiddle only when dry. Fiddle Leaf Figs can grow a couple of feet every year if given the right conditions, and can grow up to about 1. Do not allow the pot to sit in the drained water. Potential diseases and pests can be a major cause of leaning in fiddle leaf figs. You must bring them indoors if the temperature starts to. Fiddle leaf figs need soil with a pH between six and seven. Change the water weekly, more often, if you notice it is cloudy. (I water mine in the shower and leave it there for a few hours to let the pot drain before returning it to its plant saucer. The fiddle-leaf fig ( Ficus lyrata) is a tropical plant native to rainforests in central and western Africa. . Fiddle-Leaf Figs want warmer temperatures over cooler ones. Fiddle-leaf figs may be known for being finicky and high-maintenance, but they are surprisingly easy to propagate. As houseplants, they can grow up to 10 feet tall with some methodical TLC (mine is about eight feet tall). Total Soil Dryness. Any extra leaves can be removed from the bottom if need be. Ficus lyrata ‘Bambino’:This is a dwarf variety that only reaches a few feet tall. Auxiliary buds, located at leaf nodes along stems, are activated by the plant when a cut is made. Fiddle leaf figs grow at a rate of about 1 feet per year. I leave it in the sink to drain completely (it takes an hour or so) and then return it back to its spot. Step 3: Take your cutting. Fiddle leaf fig plants have been growing in the wild for millions of years. Growing Conditions: As natives of western and central Africa, the fiddle leaf fig thrives in warm, moist conditions with access to moderate amounts of sunlight. Lizzie. Before the fiddle leaf fig took the stage as the most desired ficus on the market, the weeping fig dominated the indoor tree conversation. Make sure you are feeding your plant on a regular basis with a good houseplant fertilizer. These rooms we love prove this versatile statement tree works in virtually any space. As a Feng Shui expert, I must share with you some fascinating. As they grow the trunk becomes progressively thinner. Something to keep in mind is that Fiddle Leaf Figs create new branches any time a pruning cut is made to a stem or branch. In colder climates, this is a popular houseplant that typically grows to 2-10’ tall. If your Fiddle Leaf Fig is root bound, you’ll need to choose a larger pot to replant it in. However, during the dormant winter period, decrease the watering frequency to once every 2-3 weeks. Keep in mind: Price and stock could change after publish date, and we may make money from these affiliate links. There are over 1,100 plants in the large Moraceae. If. Jason likes to use fiddle-leaf figs as a statement piece. You will split and repot a Fiddle Leaf Fig by pruning its roots first. Check your plants regularly and. It measures over 5' tall with multiple trunks made from artificial materials in a rustic brown hue. Fiddle-leaf figs are not prone to pest infestations but are susceptible to spider mites and scale insects. Next, fill a jar or glass with water. The Fiddle Leaf Fig is native to tropical Africa and is a favorite for use as an indoor houseplant largely in part because of its dramatical structural form and their huge, glossy dark-green, fiddle-shaped leaves that add a tropical splash to any. From brown spots to dropping leaves, there are a few common ailments of this plant that can sicken it, or worse, quickly lead to its demise. Warb. Black Grower Pot, Avg. Fiddle Leaf Fig. And they’re also all quiet when it’s time to go to sleep. The ideal humidity for a fiddle leaf fig lies between 40-60%. But because Fiddle Leaf Fig is usually grown as an indoor plant, it rarely exceeds 10 feet in height. It is sometimes grown in the tropics as an ornamental shade tree. 'You'll need to increase the light to convince your fiddle leaf fig to grow in a more compact, bushy way. They like to be snug in their pots. Fertilize monthly in the spring and summer with a simple houseplant fertilizer. While underwatering can lead to a fiddle leaf fig developing brown leaves, so can overwatering. Fiddle leaf figs trees like quite a lot of light, but that can be a pain when the soil is drying out really frequently. Genus: Ficus. Follow the fertilizer label instructions, and don’t be tempted to add more because that will poison the tree. "Most people grow the main species (Ficus. Fiddle leaf figs don’t do well in the cold and prefer warm, humid environments. A gorgeous plant that enjoys a well-lit spot with medium-bright light and particularly a direct morning sun. Fiddle leaf figs do not like to be overwatered or sit in a saucer full of water, as their roots can start to rot. You’ll want to get a sharp pair of pruning shears because dull tools or scissors can crush the stems and damage your plant. The Fiddle Leaf Fig (Ficus lyrata) is a species of fig tree native to the lowland tropics of western Africa. Make sure it’s getting enough light (checking the distance between new leaves may help you determine this), 2. Tall, sculptural, and dramatic. Both cases will drop leaves, but dry plants will drop leaves throughout the plant, not just the bottom leaves. This cultivar looks more like the traditional Fiddle Leaf Fig plant and has a natural habit of growing dense foliage. Choose Pot Color. Fiddlers generally need around 6-8 hours of sunlight a day, but they can cope with less and tolerate more if. Here are the main care requirements for growing a variegated fiddle leaf fig. This will help maintain the plants shape and keep it from becoming unruly. Add to Favorites 18" Fiddle Leaf fig stem, Artificial Greenery, Faux Fig Spray, Artificial Greens, Floral. There are a few different types of insects that can infest fiddle leaf fig trees, including mealybugs, scale insects,. They can get 15 inches (38 cm. Whereas the Fig Tree is usually 33 feet tall and 10 feet wide. Starting from this plant's origins to some basic care tips to keep this must-have indoor tree thriving. Fiddle leaf fig brown spots. Shake the Trunk. The Missouri Botanical Garden recommends watering more as winter turns to spring to provide the plant with enough water for new growth. 2. Habit. This may seem like a relatively simple task, but overwatering is where first-time owners of this plant tend to go wrong. Fiddle-leaf fig trees like steady temperatures between 60 and 85 degrees F. Keep them away from drafts, air-conditioned spots, and radiators, or they will drop leaves. Just leave two leaves at the top and remove the rest. If there are any brown or yellow leaves, you can remove those as well. It’s related to the rubber plant. 5 cm. Place the fiddle leaf fig back in the pot. Consider placing a humidifier by. Without this energy, your fiddle leaf fig’s leaves will start to discolor around the veins, first turning lighter green and then going yellow. Detach the soil from the pot with a garden knife. Fiddle leaf figs are native to tropical rainforests where the humidity levels are anywhere from 75-95%, and as such, thrive best in very humid environments. To achieve this, water your plant as often as it takes for the top 3-6 inches of soil to dry out. Water during the active growth period, allowing the soil to dry out slightly in between waterings. If you have a small or medium-sized plant, giving it a shower from the mixer tap in the sink, spray attachment in the tub, or even in the shower itself, is the easiest way to remove dust from your fiddle leaf fig leaves. To prune your Fiddle Leaf Fig plant, follow the steps below: Prepare tools – To begin with, use a sharp pair of pruning shears. Dump the excess water. Your fig has outgrown its pot. Fiddle leaf figs also have a tendency to drop their leaves if they are not getting enough light, while rubber plants will tolerate lower light levels. Since fiddle leaf fig plants have such large leaves, they tend to accumulate a lot of dust. Make sure it’s getting enough light (checking the distance between new leaves may help you determine this), 2. Weeping figs, rubber trees, and fiddle leaf figs are especially popular for indoor growing. Black spots aren’t the only problem caused by overwatering. It’s best to choose a pot that is only 1-2 inches wider than its current pot. Keeping an eye out and catching them early is key to keeping your plant happy and healthy. When you overwater your Ficus or Fiddle Leaf Fig, you not only cause the plant to experience a change in pH, but you also smother the. tall and 2 ft. Sudden changes to the plant’s environment can cause your fiddle leaf fig to become limp and droop, but your fig should recover in a few weeks. Description. Generally, water your Fiddle Leaf Fig every 7-10 days. It has larger leaves than the others from the genus. A 25 to 50-foot-tall, evergreen tree of upright-spreading, irregular growth, fiddleleaf fig produces 8 to 15-inch-long and 10-inch-wide, dull green, thick, fiddle-shaped leaves which are quite attractive. The first step is to remove the plant from the pot or container. Fiddle-leaf figs need a weak solution of indoor plant fertilizer every two to three weeks in their growing season. Fiddle leaf figs need to store up a decent amount of energy through photosynthesis in order to grow consistently large and healthy leaves, and having sufficient light is vital for photosynthesis. This can happen slowly or very rapidly on a hot day, like for the fiddle leaf fig pictured below, which was left outdoors on a 110-degree day. Investing in fiddle leaf figs can be daunting, but the. It also removes any dead or dying leaves, which allows the plant to focus its energy on producing new leaves. The fiddle leaf fig from the ficus genus of trees is an exciting species to grow as a houseplant. Ficus lyrata, commonly known as the fiddle-leaf fig, is a species of flowering plant in the mulberry and fig family Moraceae. Under watering brown spots are crispy, light brown and will generally start at the leaf’s outer edges and work their way in, depending on whether the situation has been fixed or not. However, if the temperature is too high or too low, it can hurt the health of fiddle leaf figs. Here's how to grow and care for your fiddle leaf fig tree, a popular indoor houseplant. Wipe the stem with a damp cloth. Alternatively, an east-facing window is also suitable. Best Fiddle Leaf Fig fertilizers have a 3-1-2 NPK ratio. Black spots aren’t the only problem caused by overwatering. Check the top layer of soil to make sure that it’s moist. To propagate a fiddle leaf fig use a stem cutting, leaf-cutting, or the air layering method. Follow the fertilizer label instructions, and don’t be tempted to add more because that will poison the tree. Fertilize regularly during the spring and summer. ) Then try some of my favorite tricks for bringing a plant back to life. Warmer climate. The Most Popular House Plant for Decor Why Fiddle-Leaf Fig Trees? Named the 'it' tree of the design world by the New York Times, the Fiddle-Leaf Fig is rising the ranks, becoming the most coveted houseplant of the decade. Nourish Your Fiddle-Leaf Fig. Fiddle leaf fig care can be complex and overwhelming, especially if you are a first-time plant owner. It is native to western Africa, from Cameroon west to Sierra Leone, where it grows in lowland tropical rainforest. Performs best in full sun to part shade but can tolerate low light conditions indoors. Choosing the Right Fertilizer for Fiddle Leaf Figs. A crumbly, dry soil indicates that your fig is fighting hard to stay alive. This is a great method for beginners because you do not run the risk of overwatering your plant, and it’s easy to be consistent. Rated 4. The most devoted of plant parents have moved these trees around the home, chasing the perfect light, or have invested in humidifiers and moisture meters. Water sparingly. plantina125. Just make sure that you loosen the roots a bit before placing your plant in a bigger pot (and remember, only go one size bigger). Additionally, provide your Fiddle Leaf Fig with appropriate. The FLF can grow up to 15 metres (49. These conditions should remain as consistent as possible between seasons. You must bring them indoors if the temperature starts to. Our giant fiddle-leaf fig tree was the one we learned the most on. Lower leaves fall off when there is excess water in the soil. Improving airflow. As Fiddle Leaf Figs are not fans of change, keep these conditions as consistent as possible throughout the year. "We try to get a nice sized one so it commands its own space," he says. Steve Bender. FROM: A$45. The Fiddle Leaf Fig needs lots of access to light to grow and thrive. 2. It hates dry, air-conditioned air in summer and dry, heated. Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree vs. Feed the plant with a 3:1:2 NPK fertilizer. You should begin to see new shoots and leaves beginning to grow within a few weeks. Give your home, office, party, or stage a beautiful transformation with a standout piece of luscious greenery! This perky Potted Fiddle-Leaf Fig Tree boasts a realistic replication of a fig tree. Several factors come into play when selecting a fertilizer for your fiddle leaf figs: pH levels and acidity: Fiddle leaf figs prefer slightly acidic soil with a pH range of 6 to 7. Or place a small humidifier nearby. With prices ranging from around $12 for a small plant to hundreds of dollars for mature trees, this gorgeous greenery can be a significant investment as well as an integral part of your home's design. This will force new growth from the node. Fiddle plants prefer soils that are high in organic matter, as it helps retain moisture and nutrients. Fiddle Leaf Figs Have the Appearance of a Tree Without the Hassle. Give your fiddle leaf fig a refreshing shower. Prune your fiddle leaf fig branches. The best method is to. The Fiddle Leaf Fig, with its signature large, glossy leaves, offers. Be sure to dispose of the dead leaves so the pests don’t spread to your other plants. Fiddle Leaf Figs can be tricky trees to get the hang of. The spots should fade as the leaves grow, so don’t be too alarmed. Meet the man working to put the next big “It” plant on every windowsill in North America. Grab the Essentials for Your Fiddle Leaf Fig: Premium Fiddle Leaf Fig Potting Soil; Fiddle Leaf Fig. Ideally, what you’re aiming for is a window with a mostly unobstructed eastern, western, or southern exposure — you don’t want trees or close buildings shading the window. Re-potting. Ficus lyrata, commonly called fiddle-leaf fig or banjo fig, is native to Africa. One of the best ways to ensure your fiddle leaf fig tree stays healthy is by using a soil mix that is specifically designed for the plant. It is a jungle plant and needs a lot of humidity. Remove any roots that have been affected and any leaves that have turned brown. Its size, the amount of light it is getting, humidity, potting mix type, and plant’s pot type all play an important role when it comes to how long a plant can go without water. Prune your fiddle leaf fig branches. 00. $229. 2. Pruning the Plant. Take a knife and begin to cut into the bark horizontally. What are signs of an unhealthy Fiddle Leaf Fig? Fiddle Leaf Figs are notoriously finicky plants. Make sure the container is a good size and shape to support your cutting and keep it upright. Leggy stems. The most common signs observed are vomiting and diarrhea. 1. Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant says the plant can live anywhere from 25 to 50 years or longer when properly maintained, making their care. But there are several cultivars available as well, including: 1. It can also add a bit of stability if your plant is a bit top-heavy. They will generally benefit from daily misting, or more often in dryer areas. Marble Queen pothos. Class: Dicotyledonae. If you need or want to fertilize. Give it some outdoor time where it can get a breeze, 3. You cannot grow a new fiddle-leaf fig tree from a leaf. It rarely has an appropriate balance to supply your plants with all they need. It encourages the parent plant to grow more branches and develop an. Both Fiddle Leaf Fig and Fig Tree are full-grown trees. METHOD: How to Air Layer a Fiddle Leaf Fig. Yes, of course, a plant needs water, but fiddles can be picky. If there is a stylistic pot you have your. After that, wait to water it once more until the soil has dried to a level 1-2 inches below the surface. Give your fiddle leaf fig plant enough sun. It makes cleaning, watering, rearranging, and rotating your plants a breeze. Get our latest tips, advice & specials. Your Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree’s canopy should not be close enough to physically touch its light source (i. But in order for the Fiddle Leaf Fig to grow multiple branches, we need to prune at about 18″ or more from the top of the stem to get to the woody part. As they grow the trunk becomes progressively thinner. It retains the characteristic fiddle-shaped leaves but stays more petite in size. An indoor fiddle leaf fig tree. This tall, dramatic plant has very large, heavily veined, violin-shaped leaves that grow upright. 'Leggy growth happens when your fiddle plant doesn't get enough light, and the space between the internodal space (the gap between each leaf) is very long,' explains Caroline Cocker. For larger plants, 12″-14″ is the max size you’ll want to use. More from the no collections. FICUS LYRATA Potted plant, fiddle-leaf fig, 9 ½" Plants are perfect roommates – they help to create a homely feel and can lift your well-being by reducing stress. Fiddle-Leaf Fig symbolizes prosperity and abundance in feng shui. Water regularly but take care not to over-water, ensuring the compost remains just moist. In its native habitat, it can grow over forty feet tall, however indoor fiddle leaf figs are significantly smaller. $ 99. In their native habitat, Fiddle Leaf Fig can reach a height of 50 feet. The fiddle leaf fig is a very popular indoor plant and can grow over 2m tall indoors. Species: Ficus lyrata or lyrata. Soil with good drainage. This faux fiddle leaf fig tree breathes new life into your space with an authentic look – and no watering required. pot. The fiddle-leaf fig ( Ficus lyrata ) is a popular indoor tree featuring very large, heavily veined, and glossy violin-shaped leaves that grow upright on a sleek trunk. Make an. Fiddle leaf fig plants need light to thrive and love it when they get enough sun. The Ficus Lyrata, Fiddle-leaf Fig will need bright light year-round, but not direct sunlight. 1. Root rot is a condition that starts in the roots and can spread throughout the plant, which results in the plant shedding its leaves. Tip #6: Keep Temperatures Mild. Fiddle Leaf Fig propagation method 1: root cuttings in water. Factors to consider when choosing a fertilizer. Indoors, Fiddle Leaf Figs can reach between 5 and 10 feet tall. Allow the top half of the soil to dry between waterings. Fiddle Leaf Figs don’t handle fluctuations well and will. The fiddle-leaf fig, or Ficus lyrata, is related to the rubber tree, the weeping fig tree, and other members of the Ficus family, which includes the common fig tree grown for its fruit, Ficus carica. 3. Compare. Fiddle-leaf fig trees require fertilizer during their growing seasons but not during winter. Finally, the leaves of your dry fiddle leaf fig may look otherwise healthy, whereas the leaves of a plant with root rot will begin to look sickly, yellow, or have tiny brown spots. The most common signs observed are vomiting and diarrhea. Since fiddle leaf fig plants can remove foul-smelling toxins from the air like formaldehyde and benzene, they also freshen the air, improving its smell. The leaves of the Fiddle Leaf Fig are large and glossy, and they can grow up to 18 inches long and 12 inches wide. This mix will provide the plant with all the nutrients and moisture it needs to grow and thrive. This fiddle leaf fig leaf displays a mild sunburn. Cut a plant section that is at least 6 inches long on a diagonal, leaving 1-2 inches of bare stem. Problems with your fiddle leaf fig tree can arise when the foliage around. Another benefit of pruning is to limit the overgrowth of Ficus Lyrata in outdoor environments. Fiddle leaf figs are native to the tropical rainforest, so they thrive in humid environments. When using the stem cutting method, take clean and sharp shears to make a slanting cut on a stem that is 6 inches (15 cm) long from the top. To Re-pot your fiddle leaf fig:As Fiddle Leaf Figs age, it's natural for edges to brown or occasionally dry. 5 and 7 is preferred, but the drainage properties of your soil are far more essential to consider. Temperature. About Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree. Fiddle Leaf Fig Floor Plant | 1800flowers. Here’s everything you need to know about how to propagate fiddle leaf figs using these three methods. 83 out of 5 based on 216 customer ratings. The leaves are much bigger the popular weeping Ficus benjamina. Most ficus plants are active in spring and summer, with growth. Ficus lyrata, commonly called the fiddle-leaf fig, is a perfect indoor specimen plant. 6. Fill the new container with 4in of potting mix. 9k) $ 24. Fiddle Leaf Figs like to be fertilized with nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in a ratio of 3:1:2. Although this indoor plant can be found all over the world, the Fiddle Leaf Fig hails from Western Africa. Typically, repotting to refresh the soil is necessary every 2 to 4 years. 'Unless your pet has an allergic reaction (not common) fiddle leaf figs are generally not considered lethal,' says triple board. 3. This formulation of plant food allows the fiddle leaf fig to sustain its existing leaves and grow new ones. “These. Leaving your real fiddle leaf fig tree in the vessel that it came in, place it in the bathtub. 3. You’ll want to have a container ready for your cutting with clean, chlorine-free water. But never fear! This article will teach you everything you need to know. The design features billowing leaves, quintessential to the fiddle leaf tree, in bright green hues that have a natural aestheticStep 1: Check your fiddle-leaf fig for signs of underwatering. 2. After 3 years, the tree will look like an ornamental tree and will take about 10-15 years to reach its full mature height of 8 feet. Fiddles grow in the spring and summer, so this is the best time to propagate! Step 2: Prep your container. Place the stem, cut side down, in a jar of clean, room temperature water. Cut Back on Water When Leaves Turn Yellow. For a small plant, go with 8″-10″ diameter. Fiddle Leaf Fig Trees can tolerate some direct sunlight, but especially strong light and high temperatures will scorch their leaves, so a balance must be found between sufficient light (they really do require a lot) and light that is diffuse. For this method, you will need a pair of clean cutters and a jar of water. Feed the plant with a balanced fertilizer once a month during the growing season, and prune off any dead or damaged leaves. Potentially harmful. com. Removing the growing tip encourages the plant to thicken and provide more support for the giant leaves. If you’re using a sunlight meter light this one, you can add up your readings. Propagate fiddle leaf fig cuttings in small jars of clean water. Ficus lyrata. The ideal humidity range is between 40 and 60 percent. Here are some of the most popular types of pots for fiddle leaf figs: 1. If the weather is too dry, you can buy a room humidifier, mist the leaves of your fiddle leaf fig plant with water or surround it with other tropical plants to increase humidity. The ideal humidity range is between 40 and 60 percent. For plants grown in the. Fiddle leaf figs commonly grace magazine covers, Instagram and Pinterest posts. Basically, when a tree is wounded near a node, it will disrupt the flow of the sap. Dealing With Indoor Pests. Leaves with a stout, 2-5 cm long, glabrous, grooved petiole; lamina thick fiddle-shaped or pandurate, 15-30 cm long, 12-20 cm 9-10-costate at the cordate base, sinuate-entire, almost truncate and very shortly acuminate at the apex, glabrous, lateral nerves 4. ) of soil is dry to the touch. This means that it thrives in bright, indirect sunlight rather than direct sunlight. Next, wipe off any excess sap from the main plant. Fiddle leaf figs don’t do well in the cold and prefer warm, humid environments. At least 3 points are required for a fiddle leaf fig to be healthy, and 4-5 points will help your plant feel even better. Wipe the leaves. Fiddle Leaf Fig Re-potting (plus how to repot any tree) Do you have dreams of super-sizing your FLF from small-scale to jumbo? Fiddle leaf figs (Ficus lyrata) are content to stay in a smaller pot, but if you want them to grow to max capacity, they will need to be transplanted into a larger planter to spread out and fill out. The Fiddle Leaf Fig grows in hardiness zones between 10 – 12 according to the USDA and the Missouri Botanical Garden. Allow the top half of the soil to dry between waterings. 8 Reasons Why Fiddle Leaf Figs Drop Leaves. Wear gloves and other protective equipment when handling. It would be best to use a spray bottle because you can easily control how much water to apply. And they’re also all quiet when it’s time to go to sleep. Exposure to direct sunlight will cause dull brown and grey spots on its leaves as well as leaf loss. Replace the soil – The best soil for fiddle leaf figs is well-draining and well-aerated. This Fiddle Leaf Fig has a Thrip problem (zoomed in and colored red on the upper right side of the image). Don’t be too surprised because this number can reach 50 feet if they breed in the lowland. ( 216 Reviews) This plant is so trendy, it’s called the “it” plant – and the “it” has nothing to do with technology and everything. It has large, broad, lyre-shaped, green leaves that can measure up to 18 inches long. Locate near an east or south-facing window with bright indirect or brightly filtered light. 'Remember to sterilize your pruning shears to prevent disease spreading. I fill the pot with water, let the water drain down and then fill it again, really soaking it. The fiddle leaf fig is one of the most popular houseplants in the design world, and the trend doesn’t seem to be dying off anytime soon. The fiddle-leaf fig (Ficus lyrata) is a small tree in the fig genus (Ficus) and belongs to the mulberry family (Moraceae). Place the jar in bright, indirect light. Fiddle Leaf Fig (Ficus lyrate) and Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum) Both the Fiddle Leaf Fig and Spider Plant are mildly toxic to dogs and cats. It can grow up to 12–15 m (39–49 ft) tall. Younger fiddle leaf figs can temporarily live on shelves while they’re small. If your fiddle leaf fig plant has a single trunk and is not branching out at all, and you’d like it. Since then, it has become a popular plant among indoor gardeners and plant enthusiasts. This is because leaves photosynthesize the plant’s food which helps in its growth. Firstly, Fiddle Leaf Figs like to be snug in pots. "As a houseplant, fiddle-leaf figs can grow 6 to 10 feet tall, but there are shorter, bushier varieties (like Compacta and Bambino) that work better in small spaces," says Ly. Fiddle Leaf Fig Soil and Potting Tips Choose the right pot. More from the no collections. com. They belong to the Moraceae family, which is the plant family of fig and mulberry trees. Wiping fiddle leaf fig leaves with a soft cloth is one way to clean them. Secret No. Place your fig near an east-facing window for best results. ) of soil is dry to the touch. It will require extreme measures if there are many brown spots on the leaves. Yellowing leaves are also common, generally starting with the oldest leaves first. Remove the Plant From the Pot. Nourish your fig with about 2 cups (470 mL) of water each week. F. The Fiddle Leaf Fig’s appearance is undeniably attractive and eye-catching to anyone, whether a plant lover or a passerby. These are the same plant, but one has been manipulated through pruning and shaping. We almost always have Ficus lyrata in stock at our retail plant store in San Francisco. The plant gets its name from its large leaves which resemble the case of a fiddle or violin. Mature size is 6 ft. This tree's glamorous appearance fits right in with South Florida's subtropical plant life. Yes, fiddle leaf figs are toxic to both cats and dogs. The condition of the leaves of your fiddle leaf fig are a big indicator on its health. For ideal growth, the humidity level in your room should be between 30% and 60%. Ficus lyrata Ficus pandurata. Step 2: Water your plant deeply and evenly, flooding the top of the soil and making sure that water runs out of the drainage hole. 99. If you start. Check moisture levels in the potting mix by inserting your finger into the top few centimetres of mix. When exposed to strong light, your Fiddle Leaf Fig will rely on whatever water it can find to stay hydrated. Fill a clean glass or jar with chlorine-free tap water (you can leave tap water out overnight to let the chlorine evaporate) or distilled water. "We try to get a nice sized one so it commands its own space," he says. Mix the soap concentrate in a spray bottle, according to the instructions. Fiddle Leaf Figs need a soil mix that is airy and well-draining. A third of the stem should be buried in the soil. Choose a fertilizer that doesn’t significantly alter the pH and maintains a suitable acidity level for optimal nutrient uptake. Native to the rainforests of western and central Africa, the Fiddle Leaf Fig is perhaps best known for its violin-shaped leaves. Container and Soil.